Pumpkin Cream Cheese Cake Pops
Check out the video tutorial
Questions and answers will be added here. Have a question? Email BEL@bakeeatlovebox.com
1.) Can I split this recipe up into two days?
Answer: Yes, for best results we suggest making the cake and icing, and mixing the two components together, covering in the mixing bowl and refrigerating overnight (steps 1-8 on the recipe card).
2.) If I don't have a 9 X 13-inch pan, what other size pan can I use?
Answer: You can use 2, 8-inch baking pans (square or circular). If baking in two 8-inch pans you will want to adjust your baking time to around 24 minutes.
3.) Uh oh! My candy melts melted in transit. Will they still be okay to use?
Answer: Yes, it is perfectly fine if your candy melts melted during transit. If they are in a clump, take a rolling pin or rolling pin substitute (wine bottle, metal or hard plastic water bottle) and break up the chocolate into pieces. Medium pieces are fine, they do not need to be super small. It is important to break up the chocolate to ensure that it melts evenly and doesn't scorch.
4.) What should the consistency of my candy melts be before dipping my cake pops?
Answer: The candy melts should be fluid. Take a silverware tablespoon and scoop up some of the melted candy melts, turn the spoon, the candy melts should pour smoothly off of the spoon. If the candy melts are too thick after adding a couple of teaspoons of canola or coconut oil, you can add a few more drops of oil at a time, stir and then check the consistency. Depending on how quickly the cake pops are dipped, the chocolate may start to cool and need to be re-heated for 15-30 seconds and stirred before continuing to dip the cake pops.
5.) Do the finished cake pops have to be refrigerated?
Answer: After the cake pops have been dipped, they can be placed in an air-tight container and left out at room temperature for 1-2 days or 3-4 days in the refrigerator.
6.) Can I freeze the cake pops?
Answer: Yes, the cake pops can be frozen for up to 3 months. We suggest freezing the cake balls before dipping them, in an air-tight container. When you are ready to finish the cake pops it is best to put them overnight in the refrigerator, so that they are able to thaw and expand. If the cake balls are dipped while they are frozen, they will crack the chocolate while thawing.
Check out the: Cake Pop Trouble Shooting Guide
What do I do with the pumpkin puree leftovers? Here are a few of our favorite recipes:
1.) Pumpkin Pancakes
Best Practices
- When melting your candy melts it is important to heat them in 30 second intervals and stir after each until they are melted. This ensures that the candy melts are evenly melted and prevents them from getting scorched.
- Do NOT add water to your candy melts. Water and chocolate are not friends and adding water will cause your candy melts to seize. To thin your candy melts, add canola or coconut oil. We recommend starting with two teaspoons and stirring, and then adding more as needed.